Burroughes and Watts was established in 1836, therefore, it is one of the most renowned providers of snooker table maintenance.  

A snooker table is a piece of sporting equipment. Because of this, regular maintenance and cleaning is essential to ensure many years of quality play and enjoyment can be achieved.

A full range of snooker table maintenance is available, including maintenance contracts.  

Snooker table recovering

Depending on how many hours of play a snooker or pool table gets, periodically the tablecloth may need replacing.  

Table recovering is a job that should only be carried out by a snooker table professional. In most cases, the team are able to replace the snooker tablecloth on site and in one visit.

Snooker Table Servicing

Snooker table servicing will include all the following checks:  

  • Confirming the playing surface levels and re-levelling as necessary  
  • Making sure all the cushions and frame bolts are correctly tensioned 
  • Brushing and ironing the cloth 
  • Re-marking both the D and the Baulk line and replace any spots as needed 
  • Check and provide a full written report on the condition of all the table accessories 
  • Inspect the bed, cushion cloth and cushion rubbers, then advise is any actions are required

All these checks can be completed in a one off service or included on a service maintenance contract. 

Snooker Table Accessories 

A full range accessories and maintenance products are available.

In addition, bespoke accessories can be made to your requirements, including, replacement table parts for snooker table restorations.